Why Jiu Jitsu World League Brackets are a Superior Value
ÂAll the information below is based off brackets when all the competitors show up to compete.
Single Elimination Brackets
We are all familiar with single elimination brackets. Lose once and you’re out of the tournament. Half of all competitors are out of the tournament after one fight, or suffer from “one and doneâ€. What’s more, 75% percent of all competitors are out after two fights. Single elimination tournaments, thus, can accommodate more competitors and relatively easy to run.
JJWL Brackets
At JJWorldLeague, we empathize with competitors. You pay for the tournament, travel costs to the arena, family members admission, and deserve as much mat time as possible. We decided to make our brackets more advantageous for the competitors by increasing mat times and ensuring 2 matches for each athlete. Below are some info graphics that outline why our brackets allow for more matches and mat time than single elimination tournaments.
The World ChampionshipÂ
July 29th & 30th
This event is worth 2x the points! Sign up now to get a rash guard for the event
YouthAdults MastersNumber of Matches
After 1 match, 50% of Competitors go home in single elimination. In our brackets, 100% of competitors get another chance. This applies to all brackets

After 2 matches, 25% of competitors go home in single elimination. In our brackets, 75% of competitors remain. This applies for 8 and 16 man brackets

After 3 matches, 12.5% of competitors go home in single elimination. In our brackets, 50% of competitors remain. This applies for 16 man brackets

Single Elimination Isn't Harder
Based on this information, one may argue that single elimination is harder than our brackets because people get eliminated quickly. This is incorrect. We believe that our brackets actually collect more information about our fighters which provides a better determination of who is really best. For example: If your in a 4 man bracket and you lose the first round and tie for third are you better or worse than the competitor that you tied with? Well in a single elimination you won't know. But in a our brackets, you will compete with the other competitor to see who really deserves that 3rd place medal. Plus, the only way you win first place in brackets with 4 or more is being undefeated in the tournament
Bracket Types